Strategy Development

Development of DeFi strategy logic is not simple. You need to understand how it all works.


Read Core Developer's guide and read source code of existing strategies.

See open STRATEGY issues, ask Stability team to asign you to any PROPOSED strategy and mark that strategy being developed.

Study the protocols used in the strategy. Conduct all interactions with protocols manually, or find links to such transactions in an explorer.

If you are stabilitydao member then Create branch from issue by Create a branch link, or just fork repo if not.

1. Create integration interfaces

Put third-party interfaces to src/integrations/<protocol>/.

2. Create constants

  • Put your new strategy ID to src/strategies/libs/StrategyIdLib.sol

  • Put your developer address to src/strategies/libs/StrategyDeveloperLib.sol

  • Put the addresses necessary for the strategy to chains/<ChainName>Lib.sol constants (tokens, pools, addresses for interactions)

From now on you can already create draft Pull Request for merging to main branch of this repo.

3. Add swapper routes

For each token in strategy assets and farming reward assets the swapper must have a route. Add routes to chains/<ChainName>Lib.sol inside one of routes*() methods.

Also add swap thresholds for tokens to runDeploy method. Threshold value must be more then $0.0001 usually. If a token is supposed to be swapped for WBTC, which has 8 decimals, then the minimum is $0.001.

4. (Optional) Add farms

For farming strategy you need to add farming data to chains/<ChainName>Lib.sol.

The farm must contain a minimum amount of data to initialise the strategy, but rewardAssets are required, pool for LPStrategy is required too.

5. Implement strategy logic skeleton

Depending on the purpose of the logic, the strategy is inherited from a set of base classes:

  • LPStrategyBase if strategy uses AMM

  • FarmingStrategyBase if it is farming strategy

Put your strategy to src/strategies/<YourStrategyContractName>.sol and implement all functions that need for compiling.

Add your strategy logic deployment to script/libs/DeployStrategyLib.sol and to runDeploy method in chains/<ChainName>Lib.sol.

6. Add universal test

Put your test to test/strategies/<YourStrategyContractName>.<ChainName>.t.sol You must inherit from contracts <ChainName>Setup, UniversalTest and write test*** method with adding strategy variations for testing by strategies.push(...).

Run tests:

forge test -vv -match-test test***

7. Implement and debug strategy logic

Thanks to messages in the universal test, you can implement the logic of the strategy step by step. As a result, the test should be passed, and it should show APRs similar to real ones.

Check your strategy code size with forge build --sizes command. If your strategy size exceeds the permissible limit, then move part of the code to the library src/strategies/libs/<YourStrategyContractName>Lib.sol.

Mitigate security findings posted in PR.

8. Write deploy script

Put deploy script for operator to script/DeployStrategy****.<ChainName>.s.sol with deploying strategy implementation, adding swap routes and farms.

The script should not use <ChainName>Lib.sol, otherwise this lib will be deployed when the script is launched, which is unnecessary and is an extra waste of gas.

9. Finish

If the checks of the continuous integration system in your PR are passed, click 'Ready for review' button in your PR and request a review.

Last updated